Join Us

Toronto West Athletics offers programs for athletes interested in middle and long distance running, generally track events from 800m to 5000m as well as cross country. Interested athletes are invited to join us for a free two week trial. This is a great opportunity to come out and try some practices, meet the coaches, and find out more about our programs. Fill out our inquiry form to get started.

Frequently Asked Questions

What distances do you offer?

Toronto West Athletics offers programs for athletes starting in Grade 3 up to college and university students. We also have a Master’s group. The training programs are focused on middle distance runners training for 400m, 800m and 1,500m track events, and cross country. We do not offer sprinting programs or any field events.

How much does it cost to join the club?

Our registration fees are annual, covering training for the entire year (January – December). Registration fees are prorated in the first year you join, if joining partway through the year. Fees include a membership with Toronto West Athletics as well as mandatory registrations with provincial governing organizations, and vary depending on the age of the athlete.  The annual cost ranges between $650 and $1,000.

When can you join the club?

Our club season begins in January of each year but athletes can join the club at any time. We recommend that an athlete submits an inquiry form to connect with our club registrar, who will be able to provide updated information on timing.

Do you offer a free trial class?

All interested athletes will be invited to join us for a free two week trial membership. During this time, trial athletes are invited to attend all club workouts and will be able to meet with the coaches and learn about the programs. At the end of the trial, athletes and coaches will determine if club running is a good fit, and full registration will be offered in the applicable training group.

Where and when do you train?

Our in-person club workouts take place Tuesday and Thursday evenings and Saturday mornings. These practices are generally at Centennial Park Stadium and surrounding areas. In the winter some groups also train at High Park and the Toronto Track and Field Center.

What are the comptetition seasons?

Competitive running is structured as three seasons over the course of the year. Athletes will train during each season, generally building to championship events at the provincial and national level. Training breaks are built in between seasons for rest and recovery.

  • Indoor Track: January – March
  • Outdorr Track: April – July
  • Cross Country: August – November